
Culture Pattern Quiz

If you want to improve your culture, you need to be able to see the underlying culture patterns. Derived from our research, there are 8 primary culture patterns, and a full culture assessment with us will reveal them clearly.

But not everyone is ready to do a full culture assessment! So we created this short quiz to give you a quick snapshot of how these patterns may be showing up inside your organization.

There are 16 rating statements. For each of them the question is the same: how good is your organization at doing what's described in the statement. There are seven scoring options, ranging from "Very Poor" to "Excellent." Another way of thinking about it is how often do your people see or experience those things in the organization. "Very Poor" would be never, and "Excellent" would be all of the time.

You should answer based on what you think your ORGANIZATION AS A WHOLE would rate it, not just your own experience. On average, what would people say? Your first task is to enter your name, organization, and email address (so we can create a report and send it to you), and then there are four pages of 4 rating statements each.

Once your survey is complete, we'll process the results and email you your report (usually within 24 hours).

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